Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekending 05/07/2011

Another weekend of excellent teamwork from Troop 180.

Keeping the walkways weed free, important to keep the plants from competing on the water supply. 

Great Job guys, maintaining a weed free plot is beneficial in more ways then one.

Troop 180 with ARC members in back ground of photo.

Members from the ARC participating in their group plot came by over the weekend to continue in the creation of their extra large plot.


Following the steps we use here to create a plot.  We build our beds above the soil due to left over construction debris.

ARC members and volunteers.

                          Hanna and her two little guys.
Hilde and Dena discussing future topics and ideas.

All smiles heading out to dump the weed filled potting container.

Fresh Raspberries. 

Dean and Will.
Commissioner Rumsey stopping by to say hi. In discussions with Genanne.
The day has come, we reached the other side...our member Dana has her water ran and as seen a few spaces are left.


  1. It's so amazing to see how the garden has grown in even the short time since we joined! Love the panoramic pics, too!

  2. What a great time we had. Thanks to everyone who pitched in and made our first special event truly special. It was a evening filled with friends, new faces, good food and a little rain. Goes to show what group efforts can really do. Thanks to everyone!!!!!!!!
